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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - court


Связанные словари


~1 n 1 »LAW« a building or room where all the information concerning a crime is given so that it can be judged  (There was a large crowd of reporters gathered outside the court. | in court)  (He was summoned to appear in court as a witness. | go to court (=start the legal process to have a case dealt with in a court))  (She was prepared to go to court to get compensation if necessary. | take sb to court (=make someone be judged in a court))  (Davis was taken to court for assaulting a policeman. | settle out of court (=agree without being judged in a court))  (We decided to settle the matter out of court. | court case/appearance/judge etc)  (The court case lasted six weeks.) 2 the court the people in a court, especially the judge and the jury (1)  (The defendant told the court that he was in Newcastle at the time of the alleged rape.) 3 »SPORT« an area that has been specially made for playing games such as tennis on  (There are three squash courts available this evening. | on/off court (=playing or not playing))  (Becker and Edberg are due on court in an hour.) 4 »KING/QUEEN ETC« a) the official place where a king or queen lives and works  (This was one of the most splendid of the royal courts of Europe. | court painter/jester/adviser etc (=someone who is employed by the court to paint etc)) b) the royal people and the people who work for them or advise them  (Several members of the court were under suspicion.) 5 hold court to speak in an interesting and amusing way so that people gather to listen to you  (Gary was holding court in the pub last night.) 6 pay court to old-fashioned to give a lot of your attention to someone in order to impress them  (Stefan was dancing with everyone and paying court to all the girls.) 7 »CASTLE/LARGE HOUSE« an open space that is completely or partly surrounded by buildings, especially one that is part of a castle or large house; courtyard 8 Court especially BrE used as part of the name of a short street or of an apartment building  (- see also the ball is in your court ball1 (10), be laughed out of court laugh1 (7)) ~2 v 1 old-fashioned if a man courts a woman, he visits her, takes her to restaurants etc because he hopes to marry her  (Richard courted Lindsay for years before she agreed to marry him.) 2 old-fashioned if a man and a woman are courting, they are having a romantic relationship and may get married  (We were courting for two years before we even got engaged.) 3 court danger/death/punishment etc to behave in a way that makes danger etc more likely  (You realize you're simply courting danger by driving that old car?) 4 to try to get something you want, especially support from other people, by doing something to please them  (The directors are courting the support of the shareholders.)
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  I. [c red]NOUN USES (courts) Frequency: The word is one of the 700 most common words in English. 1. A court is a place where legal matters are decided by a judge and jury or by a magistrate. At this rate, we could find ourselves in the divorce courts! ...a county court judge... He was deported on a court order following a conviction for armed robbery... The 28-year-old striker was in court last week for breaking a rival player’s jaw. N-COUNT: oft n N, N n, also in/at N 2. You can refer to the people in a court, especially the judge, jury, or magistrates, as a court. A court at Tampa, Florida has convicted five officials on drugs charges. N-COUNT 3. A court is an area in which you play a game such as tennis, basketball, badminton, or squash. The hotel has several tennis and squash courts... She watched a few of the games while waiting to go on court. N-COUNT: usu supp N, also on/off N 4. The court of a king or queen is the place where he or she lives and carries out ceremonial or administrative duties. She came to visit England, where she was presented at the court of James I... N-COUNT: oft with poss, also at N 5. see also Crown Court, High Court, kangaroo court 6. If you go to court or take someone to court, you take legal action against them. They have received at least twenty thousand pounds each but had gone to court to demand more. ...members of trade associations who want to take bad debtors to court. PHRASE: V inflects 7. If someone holds court in a place, they are surrounded by a lot of people who are paying them a lot of attention because they are interesting or famous. ...in the days when Marlene Dietrich and Ernest Hemingway held court in the famous El Floridita club. PHRASE: V inflects 8. If a legal matter is decided or settled out of court, it is decided without legal action being taken in a court of law. ...a payment of two million pounds in an out of court settlement. PHRASE: PHR after v, PHR n II. [c red]VERB USES (courts, courting, courted) 1. ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. noun  Usage: often attributive  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French curt, ~, from Latin cohort-, cohors enclosure, group, retinue, cohort, from co- + -hort-, -hors (akin to hortus garden) — more at yard  Date: 12th century  1.  a. the residence or establishment of a sovereign or similar dignitary  b. a sovereign's formal assembly of councillors and officers  c. the sovereign and officers and advisers who are the governing power  d. the family and retinue of a sovereign  e. a reception held by a sovereign  2.  a.  (1) a manor house or large building surrounded by usually enclosed grounds  (2) motel  b. an open space enclosed wholly or partly by buildings or circumscribed by a single building  c. a quadrangular space walled or marked off for playing one of various games with a ball (as lawn tennis, handball, or basketball); also a division of such a ~  d. a wide alley with only one opening onto a street  3.  a. an official assembly for the transaction of judicial business  b. a session of such a ~ ~ is now adjourned  c. a place (as a chamber) for the administration of justice  d. a judge or judges in session; also a faculty or agency of judgment or evaluation rest our case in the ~ of world opinion — L. H. Marks  4.  a. an assembly or board with legislative or administrative powers  b. parliament, legislature  5. conduct or attention intended to win favor or dispel hostility ; homage pay ~ to the king  II. verb  Date: 1567  transitive verb  1.  a. to seek to gain or achieve ~ power  b.  (1) allure, tempt  (2) to act so as to invite or provoke ~s disaster  2.  a. to seek the affections of; especially to seek to win a pledge of marriage from  b. of an animal to perform actions in order to attract for mating a male bird ~ing a female  3.  a. to seek to attract (as by solicitous attention or offers of advantages) college teams ~ing high school basketball stars  b. to seek an alliance with  intransitive verb  1. to engage in social activities...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  n. & v. --n. 1 (in full court of law) a an assembly of judges or other persons acting as a tribunal in civil and criminal cases. b = COURTROOM. 2 a an enclosed quadrangular area for games, which may be open or covered (tennis-court; squash-court). b an area marked out for lawn tennis etc. (hit the ball out of court). 3 a a small enclosed street in a town, having a yard surrounded by houses, and adjoining a larger street. b Brit. = COURTYARD. c (Court) the name of a large house, block of flats, street, etc. (Grosvenor Court). d (at Cambridge University) a college quadrangle. e a subdivision of a building, usu. a large hall extending to the ceiling with galleries and staircases. 4 a the establishment, retinue, and courtiers of a sovereign. b a sovereign and his or her councillors, constituting a ruling power. c a sovereign's residence. d an assembly held by a sovereign; a State reception. 5 attention paid to a person whose favour, love, or interest is sought (paid court to her). 6 a the qualified members of a company or a corporation. b (in some Friendly Societies) a local branch. c a meeting of a court. --v.tr. 1 a try to win the affection or favour of (a person). b pay amorous attention to (courting couples). 2 seek to win (applause, fame, etc.). 3 invite (misfortune) by one's actions (you are courting disaster). Phrases and idioms court-card a playing-card that is a king, queen, or jack (orig. coat-card). court circular Brit. a daily report of royal court affairs, published in some newspapers. court dress formal dress worn at a royal court. court-house 1 a building in which a judicial court is held. 2 US a building containing the administrative offices of a county. Court leet see LEET(1). Court of Appeal a court of law hearing appeals against judgements in the Crown Court, High Court, County Court, etc. Court of Protection Brit. the department of the Supreme Court attending to the affairs of the mentally unfit. court of record a court whose proceedings are recorded and available as evidence of fact. Court of St James's...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  двор (теннисный) корт court of honor arcaded court auto court cabin court central court four-wide one-way parking court indoor court inner court lawn tennis court outer court parking court recreational court squash court tennis court ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  суд – court of Appeals – court of arbitration – court of Chancery – court of last resort – administrative court – appellate court – arbitration court – circuit court – circuit court of appeals – county court – district court – equity court – lower court – patent court – trial court COURT сущ.; юр. суд day in court — время, назначенное для слушания дела в суде; предоставленная возможность высказаться на суде higher court — суд вышестоящей инстанции inferior court — нижестоящий суд intermediate court — суд промежуточной инстанции; третейский суд unanimous court — суд, единогласно вынесший решение - Court of Appeal - Court of Claims - Court of Customs and Patent Appeals - Court of International Trade - European Court of Justice - Inns of Court - Supreme Court - admiral court - admiralty court - adult court - appeal against a court decision - appeal court - appeal from a decision of the court - appeal to court - appear before the court - appellate court - bancruptcy court - bankruptcy court - be upheld by court - bring a case before a court - bring an action before court - bring before a court - bring into court - canon court - church court - civil court - civil law court - clear the court - clerk of court - common law court - contempt of court - county court - court approval - court below - court case - court decision - court decree - court fee - court is in session - court martial - court of arbitration - court of bankruptcy - court of first instance - court of last resort - court of original jurisdiction - court of review - court order - court practice - court records - court registry - criminal court - customs court - customs court - days in court - district court - divorce court - ecclesiastical court - equity court - evidence in court - ex parte court - examination in court - federal court - general court -...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. суд Supreme C. —- Верховный суд; Высший суд Supreme C. of the United States —- Верховный суд США High C. of Justice —- Высокий суд International C. of Justice —- Международный суд Central Criminal C. —- Центральный уголовный суд C. of Appeal —- Апелляционный суд C. of Common Pleas —- ист. суд по гражданским делам Admiralty C., C. of Amdiralty —- адмиралтейский суд police court —- полицейский суд district court —- окружной суд; первая инстанция Федерального суда по гражданским делам court procedure —- судопроизводство court of arbitration —- третейский суд, арбитраж court of bankruptcy —- суд по делам о несостоятельности C. of Session —- Высший суд по гражданским делам C. of Sessions —- сессионный суд; суд по уголовным делам C. of Claims —- претензионный суд court of inquiry —- следственная комиссия High C. of Parliament —- Высокий суд парламента C. of thhe King's Bench —- ист. Суд королевской скамьи contempt of court —- неуважение к суду, оскорбление суда out of court —- без суда, по обоюдному согласию; не подлежащий обсуждению, рассмотрению; бесспорный to settle a dispute out of court —- прийти к соглашению day in court —- юр. время, назначенное для слушания дела в суде; юр. предоставление возможности быть выслушанным в суде; возможность, право или случай изложить свою точку зрения each candidate has been given his day in court —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  tennis sport королевский теннис, рил-теннис (на закрытом корте матерчатым мячом) COURT  1. noun  1) двор  2) двор (короля и т.п.) to hold a court - устраивать прием при дворе  3) суд; amer. тж. судья; судьи Supreme Court - Верховный суд court of justice - суд Court of Appeal - апелляционный суд to be out of court - потерять право на иск; fig. потерять силу this book is now out of court - эта книга теперь устарела  4) amer. правление (предприятия)  5) площадка для игр; корт  6) ухаживание to make/pay court to smb. - ухаживать за кем-л.  2. v.  1) ухаживать; искать расположения, популярности  2) льстить  3) добиваться to court applause - стремиться сорвать аплодисменты  4) соблазнять (into, to, from) to court disaster - накликать несчастье COURT martial noun военный суд, трибунал COURT of bankruptcy отдел по делам о несостоятельности COURT of conciliation суд примирительного производства COURT of Session Шотландский Верховный гражданский суд COURT plaster noun лейкопластырь COURT shoes noun; pl. (выходные) туфли-лодочки ...
Англо-русский словарь
Английский словарь американских идиом
  - 12c., from O.Fr. curt, from L. cortem, acc. of cors (earlier cohors) "enclosed yard," and by extension, "those assembled in the yard; company, cohort," from com- "together" + stem hort-, related to hortus "garden, plot of ground." The verb meaning "woo, offer homage" (as at court) is first recorded 1589. Sporting sense is from 1519, originally of tennis. Legal meaning represents influence of L. curia "sovereign's assembly." Court-martial is first attested 1571. Courtier is from 1228; courtly "having manners befitting a court" is from 1450. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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